This is the START.

Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good-whenever-you-get-a-few-moments-to-read. 

First blog entry for FOUTA COLORS, or any colors, or brand, or life-style blog, or family blog. This is it. My one and only. So be prepared. Prepared for flaws. Prepared for truth. Prepared for errors. BUT be prepared for improvement. For dreams. For life. For earth-shattering-secrets (well not so much on the last one). 

As I attempt to write this, I'm taking in the senses around me for inspiration. Sound. Sound of the airplane above. Sound of the banging of tools at the newest McMansion construction nearby. Sound of horrific blowers blaring throughout the neighborhood. Sound of sprinkler (yes they make sounds, soft, soft sweet sound), alongside the roaring laughter of my kids, quickly followed by the sound of an angry he-didnt-wait-his-turn-screams. Sounds. 

Sound is taken over by his friend, thoughts. By thoughts of work. Thoughts of my kids have been surpassed as they are physically touching me as they need assistance with their "spicy" water, aka sparking water. So back to business: How do I manage the daily show of my life AND business? You shall discover the secret at the end of this post… You are now forced to continue your art of scrolling-fast-thru-all-content to reach my secret potion. 

Back to my thoughts and magical morning, my thoughts are ALWAYS taken over by the image of beautiful magical places that we may all get to visit once, at least in our dreams. This is where i WANT TO BE:

And this is WHERE I AM. Almost the same...
So are you still reading to hear about the MAGIC SECRET: the secret to managing these two beasts that i call LIFE and BUSINESS: I don’t… Did i just divulge that indeed i-cant-have-it-all??? Somedays, many days, it’s about choosing the immediate… Does my daughter REALLY need to pee with ALL of her dolls at this particular moment (apparently she requires an elaborate setup of all 5 Elsa dolls to “watch” over her), or do i thank the latest FOUTA buyer with a personal hand-written note (because ALL the website about ecommerce say that is is a MUST. I got time, right?)
Decisions. Decisions. I made a decision, that’s a start… Right? Until next time…
PS. the buyer won… and my daughter had her first accident in over a year… Oh Elsa.
Until next time...